Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects countless lives, which drives my passion for supporting MS Australia. To contribute to this cause, I'm running the New York Marathon with the goal of raising $10,000 and spreading awareness.
MS Australia, the nation’s leading MS non-profit, empowers researchers to find treatments, preventions, and a cure for MS, while also advocating for the MS community in Australia.
MS impacts each person differently and is the most common neurological disease among young adults, often striking during critical life stages such as family planning and career building.
Thanks to ongoing research and fundraising, those living with MS today have a better quality of life compared to the past. MS Australia plays a crucial role in helping affected individuals adjust their lifestyles and manage their condition.
I would love your support in helping me reach my fundraising goal.
Donations can be made here https://www.kissgoodbyetoms.org/s/176/165
My Achievements
Thank you to my Sponsors

Leedwell Property

Kieren Chester
Good luck!

Golden Golf
All the best Zammo !

The Teakle Foundation
Well done and good luck Andrew!

Maxton Insurance Brokers
What an amazing cause. We look forward to hearing all about it. Good luck

Steve Smith + Kaye Weeks (and Fam)
Good on ya Zam!

Bruce And Bev Scarce

Richard Jody Bund
Congratulations Andrew - fantastic effort for an amazing cause. I hope we can see advances in MS treatment soon. Well done mate

Joseph Dimasi

Chris Parry
Raised a massive amount, for such a good cause too. Congratulations mate!

Andrew & Tracy Mcintyre
You’ll smash it Zammo ❤️

Bentleys Sa/nt
All the best Zam, another good cause

Build Tec

Rivergum Homes

John, Kylie, Sofia And Aston Savva


Hamish Brown
Well done Zammo !

Don Manifold

Leedwell Property

David Hopkins
Go Andrew

Jamie Stuart

Amanda And Richard
Amazing effort Andrew, we are with you all the way. Love the Andos x

Meridy Dunn
Hi Andrew and Kristy, Wishing you both an amazing adventure in NewYork, you are both very inspirational . Your post about MS was wonderful, its so important to highlight this, particularly from personal experience. Love you both M&P

Mark Frinsdorf
Go Zammo and Kristy…looking forward tos we who crosses line first …team Zammo or team Kristy

Bradley Feast
All the very best fella, will be supporting you from afar

Michelle Stollznow
Good on you Andrew, a cause very close to your heart ❤️ - see you on the big day 🙌

Brazzale Group

3:47 the time the beat Zam! Great work and enjoy the run

Mum And Dad
Love mum and dad

Jimmy & Nadia Feleppa
All the best on your run - Go team Zam !

Fi & Tony
Great work Andrew! MS Sux - while you ooze good positive and healthy rays of energy- keep it up. Love you lots.

Leanne Pellizzari
Such a good cause

Michael J De Vizio
Good Luck Andrew

Reza And Lara Evans
Good luck Andrew

Adam Smith
Go get Em Andrew! Big commitment! I’m sure you will kill it!

Mitch Curnow
Go well mate!

Jed Harley
Run like the wind Zammo!

Advansa Pty Ltd - Eiswaran Naidu
Hi Andrew, All the best! Have a save one and enjoy! Cheers Eiswaran

Paul Tierney
Great work Zammo,

Maria Dixon
Hello...Have a wonderful time running on the awesome streets of New Your! When you're out there, just remember that each step is a victory.

Alysha & Aaron Billows
So proud of what you and Aunty Kristy are doing! We love you both!

Miah & Connor
Go get ‘em Andrew, you’re going to smash it. From Miah and Connor

Rebecca Hughes

Anthony Morabito
Well done mate! Best of luck for the marathon

Samantha Batt

John And Monique
Best sailing A & K Zammit’s. Super proud of your motivation and dedication to the cause. Have fun, run free 💕

Mark Brammy

Cosimo Dichiera
…..great stuff mate!

Oli Zammit
So proud of you Dad!

Kristy Willson
Amazing effort - thanks from all of us with MS Andrew and good luck!

Sarah Zammit
SO proud of you Dad. You are my inspiration xx

Vince Mammone
Great cause Andrew. Wishing you all the best.

Tiff And Mark
Go kick that NY marathons but Andy Pandy 💕

James Kelly
Go get em Andrew

John And Kara Jovicevic
What a great cause! Go get em AZ!

Jess + Josh Coope-baker
Smash it Zam! xoxo

Varley Family
What an incredible job you are doing Andrew!! A foundation very close to our hearts, keep up the incredible work - so inspiring to all!!

Kevin Zammit

George Z
You inspire me Dad! Love you

Matt Holland
Great work Zammo!

Karolina Perre
Go AZ!! Enjoy the experience. KP & Tony

Sarah Baltimore
Heard about this via Martha and Roberto! Thank you. I have MS.

Anthony De Palma
Good luck Zam!

you are a machine Andrew, you’ve got this ♥️♥️ so proud

Martin Bates
well done Zammo

Ali Sorell
Go get em Zam! Will be the most amazing day, make sure you enjoy it!!

Philip Beaton
Well done Zammo, you’re a champion

Tish Dorman
Good luck today!!

Angela Moritz
Amazing cause and amazing job in NY Marathon!!

Charlie Zammit
Go dad!

Simon Ballard
Keep taking the gels, keep to your planned pace and don’t sacrifice taking in the experience of where you are and what you’re doing for the sake of your finishing time. Good luck Andrew and Kirsty 💪

Simon Hayes
Love your work Zammo!

Steve Goodman

Di And Rob Lorimer
Fabulous cause Andrew, wishing you the best of luck with your fundraising and the big NY Marathon!

Hills Yoga School
Wishing you every success. You are an amazing human.

Ian Thomas

Margot Bulling

Claudia Brace
Great to see awareness and funds being raised for MS. All the best with the NY marathon. Claudia

Lauren Simpson
Welcome done Andrew! Excited to hear how the NY trip goes xx

Tracey And Dale
All the best to you both, fantastic effort 💖

Joe Maurici
Great work Andrew!!!

Rob Gregory
Very impressive Andrew!!! Well done and all the best for the race!

Arna Harvey
Love your work Andrew!

Ella Anderson

Kaitlin & Ben
What a great cause! We’re proud of you Uncle Andrew 🩵

Celine Pace
Amazing stuff Uncle Andrew! Proud of you xx

What a great cause . Good luck with run Tina and Deon

Go for it buddy. Your a champion

Clinton Ramm
Well done mate and good luck!

Andrew Peady
Amazing Work Andrew..Goodluck!